Paradis de Bouddha
When I say good morning I mean to say:
G- od
O- ffers us His
O- utstanding
D- evotion to
M- ake us
O- bedient &
R- eady for a
N- ew day with Him.
I- Nspire others please, and
N- ever forget
G- od loves you!
.ะ̭̌♦̭̌ะ .ะ̭̌♦̭̌ะ .ะ̭̌♦̭̌ะ Never found the time But jus when need Him.ะ̭̌♦̭̌ะ .ะ̭̌♦̭̌ะ .ะ̭̌♦̭̌ะ
The Poem
I knelt to pray but not for long,
I had too much to do.
I had to hurry and get to work
For bills would soon be due.
So I knelt and said a hurried prayer,
And jumped up off my knees..
My Christian duty was now done
My soul could rest at ease......
All day long I had no time
To spread a word of cheer
No time to speak of Christ to friends,
They'd laugh at me I'd fear..
No time, no time, too much to do,
That was my constant cry,
No time to give to souls in need
But at last the time, the time to die
I went before the Lord,
I came, I stood with downcast eyes.
For in his hands God held a book;
It was the book of life.
God looked into his book and said
'Your name I cannot find
I once was going to write it down...
But never found the time'.
A blessed Christmas to evrryone"
May God continued to Shower you and your Family
with so much Love/Hope/Faith,
together Holy Family,Years to (2020)❄☀❄☀❄☀️️
Come" Maligayang PASKO P0,Mabuhay,Salamat,Shalom....☀☀❄❄
★★★Ѽ⋰⋱ѼEl árbol del conocimientoѼ⋰⋱Ѽ★★★
Me fui y te pierdo
Sabes, que enmudeces mis instintos
sabes que lo tuyo es mio
o no lo sabes, dime si lo sabes
que en la marejada, salen las estrellas a dentelladas
y por si no lo sabes, yo te quiero
en este hejambre de abejas locas
que no quieren mas que miel
y se atizan unas a otras
y solo si lo sabes, eres la luz que me guía
y por si no lo sabes, en este medio dia
han pasado a fumigarlas y a endulzarlas con tus caricias
Sueña en soledad, que la vida es una cloaca que te atrapa sin cesar
suena en un lugar, donde los recuerdos rozan, el pecado de la amistad
y dime si es verdad, que lo sabes.....
sabes, que me tienes para siempre
que la duda pasajera del olvido se entretiene
en los mares, las carreteras de tus berrinches del ayer
pero tu solo has querido, ser mas fuerte
y yo solo quise ser alguien inherte
alguien que no sienta el querer de tus labios
alguien que no quiera contemplar con sus ojos
otro caso identitario del consuelo de tu risa
pero la falsedad de tus letras,donde yo queria bajarte la camisa
tu solo querias que no me sumerjiera, donde yo queria
para hacerte feliz, para hacerte sonreir y para serte tan fiel
como un dia te fuí a ser.
y ahora, que se que no estas en tu mejor momento
solo le pido a los dioses del averno
que sean complacientes contigo y te recojan en un tiempo muerto
y sepan hacer contigo lo que conmigo han echo.
que es curarme del presente del pasado y del futuro
que es cojerme por los cuernos y tirarme al suelo
que es la luna que recorre todos los secretos
que a la hoguera de mi charca, todo se recubre
y se embarca, en la soledad del me fui y te pierdo.
si en un adios si en un te quiero
y con mis manos en tus versos
para no descuidar las palabras que tanto lamento
me fui y te pierdo....
▒▒■█■▒▒ Winter▒▒ ■█■▒▒
Winter whitens the hard way
Your wicked days are plagued.
The kiss bites your sweet hand;
Hatred blows on your joy.
The snow fills the black groove.
The light is dimmed ...
Close your door to the aquilon!
Close your window in the cloud!
And then leave your heart open!
The heart is the holy window.
The misty sun is overcast;
But maybe God will shine!
Doubt of happiness, deadly fruit;
Doubt of the envious man;
Doubt of the priest and the altar;
But believe in love, my life!
Believe in love, always whole,
Always brilliant under all sails!
Love, fire of the hearth!
To love, ray of stars!
Love, and don't despair.
In your soul, where sometimes I pass,
Where my worms whisper low,
Leave everything in its place.
Loyalty without boredom,
The peace of the high virtues,
And indulgence for others,
Sponge of washed faults.
In your thought where everything is beautiful,
Let nothing fall or retreat.
Make your love your torch.
We shed light on what is burning.
To these demons of enmity
Oppose your serene sweetness,
And pay them pity
All they hated you for.
Hatred is winter of the heart.
Pity them! but keep your courage.
Keep your winning smile;
Beautiful rainbow, come out of the storm!
Keep your eternal love.
In winter, does the star extinguish its flame?
God takes nothing from heaven;
Take nothing from your soul!
W H O'S W A T C H I N G T H I S D E C E M B E R 15 2019?